
Coastal Commission adopted CAMP results
Coastal Commission adopted CAMP results

The CAMP Levante de Almeria, Spain, has nearly reached its completion stage. Namely, on 11 December 2012, the CAMP Coastal Commission met in order to adopt the main output of the p...

High interest for the ICZM Protocol
High interest for the ICZM Protocol

Almost 50 participants from 11 Mediterranean countries attended the MedPartnership “Regional Workshop on harmonizing the national legal and institutional framework with the ICZM Pr...

Algeria keeps its momentum for ICZM!
Algeria keeps its momentum for ICZM!

On 21 November, the results of the 1st stage of the two pilot activities, namely, the development of a National ICZM Strategy for Algeria and of a Coastal Plan for Reghaïa, have be...

MPAs are everyone’s business!
MPAs are everyone’s business!

The Network of Marine Protected Areas Managers in the Mediterranean (MedPAN), together with partner institutions, have once again done a remarkable effort and organised the “Forum ...

Morocco has ratified the ICZM Protocol
Morocco has ratified the ICZM Protocol

A great news has arrived today from the Co-ordinating Unit of MAP: Morocco has ratified the ICZM Protocol! The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation of Spain, in its capacit...

ESLAND for islands
ESLAND for islands

On 11-13 October, the ESLAND project partners gathered at the conference in Sassari, Sardinia, to present and discuss the first results of the activities carried out in the framewo...

Croatia has ratified the ICZM Protocol
Croatia has ratified the ICZM Protocol

After a thorough discussion, in which all of the members of the Parliament expressed their appreciation of the Protocol and raised hopes that it would be successfully implemented, ...

PAP’s reputation reaches Far East
PAP’s reputation reaches Far East

On October 9-10, PAP/RAC received a delegation from the Korea Maritime Institute (KMI), which is one of the leading Korean government-affiliated institutes, and also a think-tank f...

2012 MedOpen Advanced Course concluded
2012 MedOpen Advanced Course concluded

The 2012 MedOpen Advanced Course on the ICZM Process, intended in the first place for the PEGASO partners, has been concluded. During the 13 weeks of the Course, the participants w...

SHAPE partners discuss Outline for the National ICZM Strategies
SHAPE partners discuss Outline for the National ICZM Strategies
A workshop on the draft Outline for the National ICZM Strategies for the Adriatic countries, held at PAP/RAC in Split on 26 September, presented the Guidelines for the preparation ...
PEGASO, SHAPE, MAREMED and PERSEUS foster collaboration
PEGASO, SHAPE, MAREMED and PERSEUS foster collaboration

On September 26, a joint meeting of the PEGASO (funded under the EU’s Seventh Framework Programme for Research - FP7), SHAPE (co-funded by the EU’s IPA Adriatic Cross-border Co-ope...

Split celebrated the Mediterranean Coast Day 2012
Split celebrated the Mediterranean Coast Day 2012
The 2012 central regional Mediterranean Coast Day celebration was organised in Split, Croatia, by PAP/RAC in collaboration with UNDP's ”Coast” programme within the IPA Adriatic SHA...
PAP/RAC NFPs discussed technical issues
PAP/RAC NFPs discussed technical issues
Back-to-back with the 2012 Mediterranean Coast Day central regional celebration, a technical meeting with the PAP/RAC National Focal Points (NFPs) was organised within the IPA Adri...
Mediterranean Coast Day 2012
Mediterranean Coast Day 2012

The 2012 Mediterranean Coast Day central regional celebration will be organised in Split, Croatia by PAP/RAC, as a part of the EU IPA Adriatic SHAPE project, and in collaboration w...

ICZM Process -  a Roadmap to Coastal Sustainability
ICZM Process - a Roadmap to Coastal Sustainability
We are proud to announce that the ICZM process has just been launched at the coastal wiki. This unique wiki-based roadmap for the ICZM process has been prepared in the frame of the...
GEF for the future of the Mediterranean
GEF for the future of the Mediterranean

The Third Steering Committee Meeting of the MedPartnership was held in Istanbul, Turkey, on 15-17 May 2012. The meeting, which was hosted by the Ministry of Environment and Urbaniz...

ICZM and MSP to frame the Adriatic
ICZM and MSP to frame the Adriatic
Almost three months after meeting in Bari (February 2012), the SHAPE partners and relevant stakeholders gathered once again at the International conference on ICZM and Maritime Spa...
CAMP Almeria in its final stage
CAMP Almeria in its final stage

The CAMP Levante de Almeria Integration workshop on preparation of the final project document, i.e. the Sustainable Development Reference Framework (SDRF), took place in Almeria, o...

A new run of MedOpen Advanced launched!
A new run of MedOpen Advanced launched!

A new run of the MedOpen Advanced Course on Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) has started. The main objective of the course is to get acquainted with ICZM in general and wi...

Montenegro in the mood for ICZM
Montenegro in the mood for ICZM

On 22 March, the Inception workshop for the Coastal Area Management Programme (CAMP) for Montenegro and the national ICZM Strategy was held at the Podgorica Hotel in Podgorica, Mon...

Groundwater analysis launched!
Groundwater analysis launched!

An Expert Meeting for the "Preparation of groundwater supplements to the Mediterranean Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis, SAP and Barcelona Convention Protocols”, which was organis...

35 years of PAP/RAC
35 years of PAP/RAC

This year, PAP/RAC celebrates the 35th anniversary of its official establishment as one of the components of MAP. All these years, the Centre has been successfully addressing immed...

PAP/RAC NFP Corner launched!
PAP/RAC NFP Corner launched!
PAP/RAC has launched, in the frame of its web site, a National Focal Points (NFP) Corner. It is an official web portal designed especially for NFPs to find information related to r...
CoP17 adopted the ICZM Action Plan
CoP17 adopted the ICZM Action Plan

The representatives of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention and its Protocols met at their 17th Ordinary Meeting in Paris, on 8-10 February 2012. A long list of deci...

Shaping the Adriatic
Shaping the Adriatic

The SHAPE project partners met in Bari, Italy, first, to contribute to the MEDITERRE 2012 international conference and second, to discuss the progress and administrative issues rel...

A good team, the best guarantee!
A good team, the best guarantee!

On January 25, a meeting to launch the national ICZM strategy for Algeria and the Réghaia coastal plan was held at the premises of the Algerian Ministry of Land-use Planning and En...