
2013 MedOpen Advanced officially concluded!
2013 MedOpen Advanced officially concluded!

The 2013 MedOpen Advanced Course in ICZM in the Mediterranean, which PAP/RAC organised for the SHAPE project partners, has been officially concluded. A number of 22 applicants regi...

PAP/RAC exposes its projects
PAP/RAC exposes its projects
In parallel to the CoP18 meeting, several additional events took place. PAP/RAC and partners organised a side event on sustainable consumption and production (the SwitchMED project...
CoP 18 traced next biennium
CoP 18 traced next biennium

On 3 - 6 December 2013 Istanbul was the venue of the 18th Ordinary meeting of the Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention. Hosted by the Turkish government, the Mediterrane...

LITEAU presented results
LITEAU presented results

The French Ministry of Ecology, sustainable development and energy organised a Colloque on the Liteau programme that took place at the Aquarium Nausicaa in Boulogne-sur-mer on 21 -...

New PAP logo revealed!
New PAP logo revealed!
We would like to inform all our colleagues and friends that PAP has a new logo more suitable to current times and needs. To maintain identity, we have just modified the old logo ma...
Adriatic-Ionian Strategy on the way!
Adriatic-Ionian Strategy on the way!

On 14 November 2013, a meeting to start work on the Adriatic-Ionian macro-region strategy was held in Brussels. PAP/RAC was represented in the panel on ICZM and MSP organised withi...

MedOpen students success at MEDCOAST
MedOpen students success at MEDCOAST

Now, when the 2013 MedOpen Advanced session is in its full swing, great news arrived from a group of three MedOpen previous session participants: last year, they decided to come to...

Climagine 2
Climagine 2

On November 8, the second Climagine workshop was organised in Šibenik. It was one of three workshops envisaged within the MedPartnership sister project "Integration of climate vari...

Establishing the ICZM Plan for the Šibenik-Knin County
Establishing the ICZM Plan for the Šibenik-Knin County

On Thursday November 7, the first meeting of the Steering Committee and a workshop on the Integrated Coastal Zone Management of the Šibenik-Knin County was organised, in the old To...

Historic Dubrovnik hosts a debate on sustainability
Historic Dubrovnik hosts a debate on sustainability
At the invitation of UN DESA, the PAP/RAC Director participated at a two-day Mediterranean workshop on science-policy interface, organised by UN DESA and the Croatian Ministry of F...
Climatic Variability and Change project in Tunisia
Climatic Variability and Change project in Tunisia
In the framework of the MedPartnership, the partners to the “Integration of climatic variability and change into national strategies to implement the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterra...
ResMar book on Coastal Erosion Monitoring published
ResMar book on Coastal Erosion Monitoring published
In the frame of the ResMar project results, including sharing and acting sustainable management models, a book entitled “Coastal Erosion Monitoring - A Network of Regional Observat...
2013 Mediterranean Coast Day celebration
2013 Mediterranean Coast Day celebration
The central regional Coast Day 2013 celebration was organised, as has become tradition, on September 25. This year it was hosted by the Italian region of Emilia-Romagna which chose...
Technical meeting of PAP Focal Points
Technical meeting of PAP Focal Points
Back-to-back with the Cost Day celebration, PAP/RAC organised a technical meeting of PAP National Focal Points which was held on September 24. The main reason for organising the me...
Montenegro celebrates Coast Day 2013
Montenegro celebrates Coast Day 2013

On the occasion of the Coast Day, a press conference will be organised on September 25 at the multimedia hall of the Montenegrin Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism in ...

2013 Coast Day in Split
2013 Coast Day in Split
Host of PAP/RAC, instigator of the Mediterranean Coast Day celebration, Split, has marked this important day this year as well. On September 21, the event was organised on the newe...
Slovenia celebrates Coast Day 2013
Slovenia celebrates Coast Day 2013
The Pretorian palace of the city of Koper hosted the celebration of the Slovenian Coast Day on 18 September  2013. Mr. Mitja Bricelj, Co-ordinator for the implementation of the Bar...
2013 MedOpen Advanced for SHAPE
2013 MedOpen Advanced for SHAPE
A new run of the MedOpen Advanced Course in ICZM in the Mediterranean starts on September 16. The aim of the Course is to improve capacities for coastal management, which will subs...
Spectacular waters of the Šibenik-Knin County
Spectacular waters of the Šibenik-Knin County
Regional authorities of the Šibenik-Knin County organised a boat trip for the PAP/RAC expert team to visit the project area of the GEF Climate Variability and ICZM Project. Within ...
Supporting MSP/ICM Directive in EU Parliament
Supporting MSP/ICM Directive in EU Parliament

A meeting was initiated by Mr. Spyros Danellis, Member of the European Parliament, and organised jointly by WWF and the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA) to present and discu...

Fascinating coastal landscape
Fascinating coastal landscape

Last weekend, on 13 July, the walking trail of St. Anthony’s Channel in Šibenik was officially opened to public. The 4,4 km long trail takes the visitor through the beautiful and p...

Split students for 2013 Coast Day
Split students for 2013 Coast Day
The 2013 Mediterranean Coast Day celebration will focus on raising awareness of the future of the coasts in the Mediterranean. Great importance is attributed to work with children ...
PAP/RAC at the EU Joint MSP-ICM Expert Group
PAP/RAC at the EU Joint MSP-ICM Expert Group

At the invitation of the EU Focal Point the PAP/RAC Director attended the Member State Expert Group on Maritime Spatial Planning - Integrated Coastal Management held in Brussels on...

SHAPE partners progress on setback
SHAPE partners progress on setback
Recently, two technical meetings were organised in the framework of the SHAPE IPA Adriatic project to which PAP/RAC is a co-ordinator of the WP on ICZM and provides technical assis...
Visit of Jordanian delegation
Visit of Jordanian delegation
Upon request by the UNDP office in Amman, PAP/RAC organised a study tour for the Director of the Aqaba Marine Park and the Manager of the UNDP project "Mainstreaming Marine Biodive...
Second sustainability workshop organised in Reghaïa
Second sustainability workshop organised in Reghaïa
On 19 June, the second sustainability workshop in the framework of the elaboration of Reghaia’s coastal plan was organised in the premises of the Centre cynegetic de Réghaia. The o...
New International Master's Programme in Architecture
New International Master's Programme in Architecture
As of the academic year 2013/2014, the University of Split, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Geodesy will be offering a new international graduate course in English i...
First sustainability workshop on  Reghaia’s Coastal Plan
First sustainability workshop on Reghaia’s Coastal Plan

On April 29, the first of the three sustainability workshops on Reghaia’s Coastal Plan was held in the premises of the Centre Cynégétique de Reghaia. The main objectives of this wo...

PAP/RAC contributes to strengthening the MedPAN network
PAP/RAC contributes to strengthening the MedPAN network

The 3rd Advisory Committee meeting, organised by MedPAN, was held in Malaga, Spain, on 17 May. The main MedPAN regional partners gathered in order to discuss and provide recommenda...

Last workshop on Algerian ICZM Strategy held in Tipasa
Last workshop on Algerian ICZM Strategy held in Tipasa

On April 23, the third and last stakeholder consultation workshop in the framework of the National ICZM Strategy for Algeria took place in Tipasa. As the two previous ones, the wor...

Supreme quality of sea bathing water in Croatia
Supreme quality of sea bathing water in Croatia
The 19th joint working meeting of County Institutes for public health, Administrative Departments and Institutes in charge of environment protection, spatial planning, construction...
SHAPE meeting in Pescara
SHAPE meeting in Pescara
The 4th SHAPE Steering Committee and Project Meeting was organised on April 16-17 in Pescara, at the premises of the “Museo delle Genti d’Abruzzo”. It was attended by 48 participan...
Towards good governance in ICZM in Algeria
Towards good governance in ICZM in Algeria

This last month has been an intense period for ICZM in Algeria. The team responsible for the preparation of the National ICZM Strategy was on the ground, with two regional workshop...

First “Climagine” workshop in Šibenik
First “Climagine” workshop in Šibenik

In the frame of the MedPartnership sister project "Integration of climate variability and change into national strategies for Integrated Coastal Zone Management", the first "Climag...

PEGASO goes ambitiously forward
PEGASO goes ambitiously forward

The 3rd General Meeting of the PEGASO project was organised in the capital of Morocco, Rabat, where the project partners met from 19-22 March 2013. The host of the meeting was the ...

PAP/RAC welcomes “Mare Nostrum“
PAP/RAC welcomes “Mare Nostrum“

A new regional co-operation project - "Mare Nostrum" has recently joined the family of the Mediterranean ICZM projects. “Mare Nostrum“ is an ENPI CBC strategic project approved for...

CAMP Almeria launches its follow-up
CAMP Almeria launches its follow-up

After three years of intensive work and implementation of activities, the CAMP Levante de Almeria enters its follow-up stage. The implementation of the Action Plan, which makes an ...

Croatian authorities and PAP joined under MedPartnership
Croatian authorities and PAP joined under MedPartnership

Following the completion of the analysis of the Croatian legislation in relation to the ICZM Protocol and its presentation at the MedPartnership Regional Workshop in Zagreb, the Cr...